My Author Journey, From Dream to Reality.

Be inspired by Ben Stern’s 20+ year journey to becoming a published author.  His story will inspire you not to give up on your dreams, to overcome obstacles, and learn from mistakes you may encounter along the way.  Ben looks forward to speaking to your group!


Garden City Public Schools - Virtual Visit

We want to thank Ben Stern for joining our 5th graders at Stratford Avenue School in Garden City, N.Y. for World Read-Aloud Day to present his story of Flip and his struggles with patience. This story, with its beautifully colored illustrations and poignant theme, is related to all of our students. Flip presented his struggles in a way that brings children together to better themselves and grow in such a positive and uplifting spirit. Ben also shared his writing process, and our young authors learned the difficulties and rewards of writing their own stories. Ben’s familiarity and comfort with talking to children allowed our students to ask questions, and think critically in a safe and comfortable environment.

Ben is not just a phenomenal author, he is a fantastic educator and role model for all of our children in Garden City. We deeply thank Ben Stern for his presentation.

– Dan Seid – 5th Grade Teacher, Garden City Public Schools


I am the father of four Princesses and a Superhero. Raising these five beautiful, smart, independent children has inspired and challenged me to use creative and original ideas to teach them important life lessons. The Flip and Friends series are stories I originally created to educate my own children in a fun and relatable way. As an early writer of poetry, the transition to children’s books was a natural progression of life as parenthood is its own form of poetry.

I am very excited to finally take these stories that had such a huge impact on my own children’s lives and share them with the world.

Ben Stern

the story

My Author Journey - Ben Stern

Ben has been writing poetry since elementary school and has always dreamed of being a published author. Fast forward 20+ years and five kids later, during bedtime, his children didn’t prefer books, they preferred, “Stories from your head.” He had often thought of writing down these wonderful stories that his children would request night after night. It didn’t occur to him until he was on a drive that was way too long, that he created a story on the spot to calm down all of the “Are we there yet?”, “I’m bored”, “I’m hungry”, and “I have to pee” comments coming from the back of the car.

This was the moment Flip and Friends was born and the dream of becoming a published author became a real possibility thanks to Amazon’s Self-Publishing program.

"It was a privilege to have Ben Stern join our school to share his wonderful book Flip and Friends! He passionately and enthusiastically shared the story about how he became a writer, along with how he approaches the writing process. His patient and kind demeanor allow students to open up to sharing their thoughts, ideas, wishes, and dreams. These meaningful conversations inspired our learners to ask questions and view themselves as authors!"

Lauren Kaufman

 Assistant Principal, Stratford School

"Ben Stern spoke to my 8th grade students about his journey to becoming an author. He inspired them! He had a plan, and he was determined to become an author. One of his tips is “Don’t give up on your dreams and figure out how to make them happen.” We got to see and hear about Stern’s book, Do You Have Any Patience? Flip, the demanding little frog certainly taught the students about the importance of being patient. "

Belinda Lipczer

Teacher at Midreshet Amit Banot, Modiin

"What a memorable visit from an author halfway across the world. The students enjoyed Ben’s virtual visit. They learned so much about what it takes to become a writer, as well as the importance of patience! "

Leigh Dowden

Fifth Grade Teacher, Garden City Public Schools

get your free gift.

Patience Coloring Book

We are hard at work on the next book in the Flip and Friends series, and we are excited to offer you exclusive offerings, giveaways, breaking Flip and Friends news, and more.

Sign up for our mailing list and receive a FREE Flip and Friends coloring book based on the Do You Have Any Patience? story! 

Also Available on Amazon